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Vitamin B complex

Hey Everyone! Today we will learn a mnemonic to remember the vitamin B complex. So, we have 2 and you can remember the mnemonic you find convinient =) Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Pantothenic Acid Biotin Folic Acid Cyanocobalamin “Then Roland aNd Peter Both Flew KItes” “K” sound should resemble “CO” The second one, Then Roland aNd … Continue reading

Fetal circulation part 2

Having read about the fetal circulation, let’s now look at some of the key features we should remember regarding this topic =) What are the places where oxygenated and deoxygenated blood mix in fetal circulation? 1.In the liver 2. In the IVC 3. In the Right Atrium 4. In the Left Atrium 5. Aorta (Refer … Continue reading

Fetal circulation part 1

Let’s talk about the fetal circulation today =) Fetal circulation is little more complicated than the normal adult circulation. This is mainly because in an adult, blood is oxygenated from the lungs where as in a fetus blood gets oxygenated from the placenta as lungs aren’t functional. Let’s go through the steps of fetal circulation. … Continue reading

Brachial Plexus and how to draw it

Let’s talk about the Brachial plexus! =) What is it? It is a network, where nerves join up with one another and innervates the upper limb. (Brachium=the upper limb, Plexus=network) Why is there a need of a plexus? Having a plexus of nerves, will ensure a wider distribution of an individual nerve. Also it is a … Continue reading


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